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Enhancing Cohesion, Pioneering & Innovation , Entering into the New Era
Hicorp Held the 2017 Annual Conference for the Representatives of Shareholders & Employees & Summary & commendation Ceremoniously
Hicorp held the 2017 annual conference for the representatives of shareholders and employees & summary and commendation ceremoniously at the canteen room in the morning of 11th Feb, 2018. There were about 221 representatives of shareholders and employees from all branch companies and divisions attended the meeting.

The Vice-general Manager Zhao Chuanfu read the “Decision on Commending the Advanced Individuals and Collectives in 2017”, Sun Jie and others total 22 people were awarded the honorary title of “Hicorp Model”; An Boyu and others total 121 people were awarded as “Excellent Workers”;“Happy Champ” and total 10 teams were granted with “Excellent Teams”; the General Administrative Office and Sales Office of Textile Machinery Branch Company were awarded the title of “Excellent Offices”; Installation Workshop of Textile Machinery Branch Company , Installation and Welding Workshop , Mould Workshop of Project & Engineering Branch Company were awarded the honorary title of “Advanced Workshop of Lean Production “.

The General Manager Mr. Sun read the 2017 annual special awards words, our Chairman and General Manager awarded medal and prize to the Master Cheng Xianzhen’s families who was the figure moved Hicorp.

In the joy of melody, the Group Leaders issued the trophies, certificates and modals of Advanced Collective to Group Model Representatives, Excellent Team Representatives, Excellent Office Representatives and Excellent Workshop of Lean Management. The Group Advanced Model Representative Sun Jian from Textile Machinery and Hicorp Management Representative Yin Huaixiu gave speeches in order.

The Report on Board of Directors, Work Report on Board of Supervisors, Financial Work Report , Draft of Hicorp Start-up Listing Plan , Draft of Association Amendment, Draft of optimizing the ownership structure and setting up the shareholding company”, and Draft of Specific Matters Relating to the Authorization of the Board of Directors  to Deal with the Establishment of Shareholding Company, 
had deliberated and approved separately, the presented shareholders voted by putting up hands , the three Reports and four Drafts were passed.
Meanwhile, all the presented representatives deliberated and approved the “Regulations on the Management of Labor and Personnel” and “Hicorp Management Measures for the Use of the Major Diseases Assistance Funds”. The Labor Union Chairman Yin Yuwu read the “Major Diseases Funds Spent in 2017 and Labor Union Work Brief Plan in 2018”.

During the meeting, we comprehensively summarized al work in 2017, analyzed the current situation and tasks, summarized our achievements in 2017, deployed our main tasks in 2018,  taking the core value of  “Learning, Cogitation,  Innovation , Pioneering” as the directions, to strengthen the concept of efficiency,, to strengthen sense of  the brand ,to innovate continuously , and to achieve new breakthroughs in marketing ; to promote intelligent management, to promote financial standardization, to establish long-term management mechanism;  to promote quality , to strengthen the concept of lean production continuously, to deeply push the basic principles construction, to build Hicorp training system, to enhance the quality of all employees; to start to launch the listing plan, to optimized the ownership structure, to build a century based development, to enter into the new era, to achieve new breakthroughs in economic efficiency and management level.

The President called for all staffs to learn from advanced individuals and teams, to the hundred years’ historical mission of Hicorp, all Hicorp people should unit together, work hard, keep original minds, temper forward, to achieve a leap in Hicorp development.

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