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Hicorp Held the Donation Activities of “Keep Our Original Minds, Powerful Love from Hicorp”
The 52nd anniversary was 28th April 2018, in order to celebrate the day, to pass our gratitude and compassionate , we had contacted with the Committee of Caring the Next Generation and Huangdao Charity Association,  came to primary school located at Dongyu Road, Huangdao District , and launched the compassionate donation activities of “Keep the Our Original Minds, Powerful Love from Hicorp” together.

The caring donation was officially started at nine in the morning. The Vice-general Manager Yin Yuwu of Hicorp Group , the Executive Director Sun Aiyun of Working Committee for the Care of Children, Duan Jing, the Director of Hicorp Administrative Office, and leaders, teachers and students of primary school participated in the event .

The Hicorp Vice-general Manager Yin Yuwu had delivered a speech on the donation ceremony, he pointed out that tomorrow was the 52nd anniversary of Hicorp, 56 pioneers had opened a magnificent chapter of Hicorp through hard working on 28th April of 52 years ago. All the achievements of Hicorp can’t be separated from this land and the support of all sectors , thanks the support and love of all walks of life. Keeping  the original minds and moving forward with gratitude have become an important part of Hicorp culture.

We had known from Working Committee previous that a lot of primary students still couldn’t study whole heartedly because of family reasons at Huangdao District, among them, there were some students of primary school located at Dongyue Road. After we got this news, the leaders of Hicorp Group had launched the initiative among the middle management personnel, and organized donation in the first meeting of this year in the 6th day of the first lunar month, raised love donation, the Group donated equally, and this donation event of “Keep the Original Minds, Powerful Love from Hicorp” was urged eventually, to set scholarship , reward and help children excellent in character and learning ,and serve society and dedicate with our Hicorp strengthen.

Hicorp contributed 44thousand and 600yuan totally in this event, funded 14 student s of poor families with 2000yuan each student, encouraged 100 students both excellent in character and learning with the library card for each student, to guide the children to the sea  of books.

The Hicorp people with the characters of “Learning, Cogitation, Innovation, Pioneering” are vigorously promoting the “Three Characters ” construction, being the respectable Hicorp people, never forget to fulfill their social responsibilities, and we have given best wishes to the 52nd anniversary with the grateful and breadth minds, to reward the society with gratitude, to keep the original  minds and move forward.

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